Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Piano Man

Here's why I love learning how to play piano:  

I can't multitask while I'm doing it. 

Every other minute of the day, I'm usually doing at least two things at once. Writing a brochure while checking email. Driving to work while thinking about my next meeting. Playing with the kids while watching TV. 

But when I'm playing piano, It's so new (and I'm so bad) that it takes 100% of my concentration just to get 30% of the notes right. My left hand hates my right hand. I'll probably never learn to play loudly, because I usually practice when Marla is putting the kids to sleep. And my stubby little fingers barely stretch an octave.  

But that's OK. Because it's really nice, once a day, to focus my full attention on just. one. thing.  

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